The Exe Estuary is a vibrant place, it’s sheltered shores provide home to an array of wildlife, and a wide range of recreational activities. The Exe is a beautiful area to explore, but please remember to give consideration to wildlife.
This guidance is aimed at all shore-based visitors to the Exe, including walkers , dog walkers, birdwatchers, anglers, cyclists.
Prevent litter: Bin in or take it home
Be bird aware
As you enjoy the wonderful sights and sounds of nature whilst you explore the Exe, remember to give space to birds and avoid disturbing them. Disturbance is any activity or noise that could change the behaviour of an animal (such as feeding, resting and breeding). When birds are disturbed they stop feeding, or worse still fly away. Losing energy can affect their overall condition and survival rate.
As an easy guide: if birds become alert, move away!
Be Safe
Don’t put yourself or others at risk, be aware of the dangers from rising tides, soft mud, cliff edges and strong currents.
Fish wisely
Avoid waste, only take bait for planned trips, return unwanted fish and don’t discard tackle.
Observe local regulations, such as minimum landing sizes and Bass Nursery Area – see the Devon and Severn IFCA website for more details.
Observe estuary byelaws and warning signs
Always follow instructions provided on warnings and information signs around the estuary. Never swim in the Navigation Channel or in the area marked by red flags.
Be considerate to other estuary users
Keep access points and slipways clear at all times and do not park on the foreshore.
Remember to ‘Share this Space’ by being considerate of other users of the Exe Estuary Trail and keep dogs under effective control on a short lead.
Fly safely – drones, model aircraft, kites, gliders
- Keep your aircraft at a distance from wildlife to avoid disturbance
- No drones at Dawlish Warren at any time
- Drone users should follow the Civil Aviation Authority ‘Dronecode’
In an emergency dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard.
Watch out for wildlife
The whole of the Exe Estuary is a nationally and internationally important site for wildlife, including Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and a Special Protection Area (SPA). During winter tens of thousands of birds depend on the Exe to rest and feed on their long migratory journeys from areas as far away as Siberia.
To avoid disturbing birds and help care for this special place please:
- safely avoid Wildlife Refuges
- keep noise to a minimum
- use dedicated access points and keep to paths
- please do not allow dogs to chase birds or wildlife and bag and bin your dog’s poo.